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Home > Google Workspace > How to Disable QUIC Protocol in Chrome
How to Disable QUIC Protocol in Chrome
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QUIC is an evolving protocol, and experimental features might occasionally impact browser stability or cause conflicts with other extensions or settings, leading to reduced performance or unexpected behavior.


How to Disable:


1. Access Chrome Flags: Open Google Chrome and type "chrome://flags" in the address bar, then press Enter.


2. Locate QUIC Protocol: In the search bar at the top of the page, type "QUIC" to quickly find the relevant flags related to QUIC.


3. Disable QUIC Protocol: Find the "Experimental QUIC protocol" flag. It might be labeled as "Experimental QUIC protocol" or "Enable QUIC." Click on the drop-down box next to it and select "Disabled" from the available options.


4. Relaunch Chrome: Once you've disabled the QUIC protocol, Chrome will prompt you to relaunch the browser to apply the changes. Click on the "Relaunch" button that appears at the bottom of the screen.


5. Confirm Deactivation: After relaunching Chrome, you can verify whether QUIC has been successfully disabled by typing "chrome://net-internals/#quic" into the address bar and hitting Enter. This page will display the status of the QUIC protocol. If it's disabled, you should see "Disabled" next to the QUIC protocol.

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