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Showing articles from chromebook tag

Chromebook Screen Zoomed In

Problem: Chromebook is zoomed in and can not zoom out. ![][1] Reason: User Enabled **fullscreen magnifier** on accident. Solution: Please use this Keyboard shortcut: **Ctrl** + **Search** ![][2] + **m** ![][3] [1]:…

Chromebook Screen Colors are Inverted

Problem: Chromebook looks like this: ![][1] Reason: User turned inverted colors on by accident using the shortcut. Solution: Please use this Keyboard shortcut: **Ctrl** + **Search** ![][2] + **h** ![][3] [1]:…

Printing with a Chromebook (PaperCut)

Every Chromebook has access to print using PaperCut. PaperCut will **not** work in Guest mode. Make sure you are signed in with your Google account on the Chromebook. * * * Navigate to the print Icon ![][1] Select "See more.." ![][2] Look for the PaperCut Logo in the list Sometimes this option is at the very b…

Chromebook not Turning On

**When your Chromebook refuses to start up, one of the simplest yet most effective methods for troubleshooting is to use the combination of the "Refresh" and "Power" buttons. This maneuver is known as a hard reset and can help resolve software issues that might be preventing your Chromebook from turning on. In this ar…

How to Install PaperCut on your Personal Device

1. Please first navigate to this address - [PaperCut For Mac][1] (You can only do this on HPSnet) If you are not using a Mac scroll to the bottom of the page and select et your operating system ![][2] 2. Click on download 3. Once you have downloaded the package please open it: ![][3] ![][4] 4. Double click the …

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